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Rise in My Soul

| M. Fethullah Gülen | Issue 156 (Nov - Dec 2023)

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Rise in My Soul

My fate has led me to love you, O Prophet, above all else.

In the fervor of your love, let my soul be consumed,

till Resurrection’s dawn has bloomed.

Captivated by your beauty’s gleam,

I wander and sigh, lost in a dream,

Perhaps unaware, bowed my face

in the wake of your grace.

Unveil my chest, witness the fire of longing within,

And my tears cascading in my heart’s hues,

unfazed by the weight of life’s turbulent dues,

for in your grace is the remedy.

Please, just take my hand and say, “He is with me.”

Years on this path, devoid of comfort or rest,

Falling and rising, weary and distressed,

Despair lingers, as hope fades from sight,

Show me a favor, restore my inner light.

Rise in my soul, let it sing like the reed flute,

Share the mysteries you know, make my heart follow suit,

Remember this servant, lost in life's maze,

As you offer roses to the Beloved's grace,

Despite my state not matching your radiant phase.

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